80 pages
ISBN: 978-1-931824-15-6
Publication date: November 2005




by Renee Gladman

Postulating a new age of iron with these highly wrought lines, Renee Gladman questions how we experience our life and times, what is real and what is fantasy. She combines elements of narrative with an attention to words and letters that reminds us how much her usual practice of fiction is informed by her sense of poetry. Like wrought iron itself these graceful, unpredictable patterns stand out against the stark day. "the vivid/ black /unseeing" Here a landscape is created and taken apart.

Reader, be advised that here, in A Picture-Feeling, Renee Gladman examines both the closure of dream and the open-ended namelessness of nightmare. This book field-tests the capacities of space and line and eros as it worries “the afterthought / of structure.” It speaks to the immeasurable.  —C. S. Giscombe

Postulating a new age of iron with these highly wrought lines, Renee Gladman questions how we experience our life and times, what is real and what is fantasy. She combines elements of narrative with an attention to words and letters that remind us how much her usual practice of fiction is informed by her sense of poetry. Like wrought iron itself these graceful, unpredictable patterns stand out against the stark day. “the vivid/ black /unseeing” Here a landscape is created and taken apart. —Laura Moriarty

Renee Gladman lives in Brooklyn, New York, where she edits the L Projects: presses for new literature and works as an audio engineer. Her other books include Juice and The Activist.