109 pages
ISBN: 978-0-937804-60-5
Publication date: May 1992


$3.99 - Kindle Edition



by Bruce Andrews

poetry more fully charged with its enraptured futurity...Andrews does in fact deploy language in a state of undress, denuded of reference-as reassurance, but reinvested with potent referentiality...
- Jed Rasula

The words are neither ciphers nor pointers, they absolutley are the poem. Language itself is the object of a love that in turn necessitates writing. The eroticism aroused by the abundant, sensuous, permissive, unrepressed materials is expressive of a joi de vivre in intimacy with language. And the intimacy that is established with the poem is one to which the reader wants remain close...The writing and subsequent reading take place in media res. The independence of the poem is thus establshed, its right to be a thing among things in the world, a physical gesture, a body...The freedom to move is radical, allowing for disordering...The work may take one out a limb.
- Lyn Hejinian