82 pages
ISBN: 978-1-931824-30-9
Publication date: November 2008

$20.00 - Paperback

$5.00 - Digital



by Mónica de la Torre

Public Domain arrives from Mexico with the ambition to be a personal anthology. Public Domain's constantly shifting formats remind one that experimentation is driven by glee at noticing how malleable the world can be. In pieces that range from introductions at a fictive poetry reading to a poem titled "Letters Are What’s in a Name," de la Torre takes us on a bilingual romp through the opportunities for form to reveal how society works. In one piece she writes a series of letters addressed by an orphan to her biological mother, Mónica de la Torre, who might be a transsexual model, a scientist who studies “the properties of fried and baked tortilla chips,” or the member of a high school varsity team. Get the picture!